Saturday, October 08, 2005

Did Lady Milner write about the rather unusual flower show?

Lady Milner who deputised the flower show to Mrs Plumtre, was a very avid correspondent. It's archived at the Bodlean library. What are the chances that she would have gossiped about the flower show she almost opened, with her host's son's body lying in the next field, and the overall winner disqualified for cheating?

Did she turn up and refuse to present prizes with Superintendent Lane under her feet?

I really don't know if this is a lead worth following..

On the 12th August new houses in milner Crescent, Aylesham were completed, 40 already bespoken. Possibly why Lady Milner, widow of Lord Milner ex war cabinet was invited on the 11th. odd however this Milner connection, in his time in South Africa, early 1900s lord Milner was in trouble with miners union for using Chinese slave labour down the mines. No evidence that this was a live issue in the 1920s.- Cooperative society yearbook for 1926 notes his death neutrally.note added 21st October

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