Monday, October 03, 2005

A Kentish Summer of Unrest

I've posted up lots of newspaper articles without too much discussion and explanation.


I am loving the themes and characters emerging here: the stubborn men,the miners were, as one exclaimed, after his wife's inquest: "I am a stranger, in a strange land." The other stubborn men, the farmers protecting their living

Where are the women? Other then the once a week whist drives-even of my grandmother and aunties I know nothing of their lives then;-

I'm not going to give you my theories just yet-

I'll post you some social background , a map or two.

I'll post a bit about Aylesham, a mining town that has built a remarkable spirit that enabled it to survive and grow after the pit closures in the eighties. But in the twenties it was another story and some of the factors that make it strong today, it's isolation, for example, almost destroyed it back in the day. It was a frontier town.
I amf hoping you will pour over these archives and give me your theories. My white board is posted with names of magistrates and miners and farmers as I figure out what was going on that summer. My Tutoring will have to be done on scraps of paper!

So set aside the sudoku and weave me some theories.

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