Sunday, October 09, 2005

Missionary Man

In Uncle Reggie's library you can find 'The life and times of Richard Carter" by Richard Robbinson Carter, the son of Richard Carter of the Glynn Vivan miners' mission to Aylesham.

Thank you to James Flack for allowing me to post it here.

It's a memoir of Richard Carter's life written for his grandchildren, and covers the families arrival in Aylesham in 1928, and Richard's younng life there.

Richard Carter was a Salvation army Officer appointed by the Richard Glynn Vivian mission (who sent missionaries to mining areas all over the world) to the new mining village of Ayelsham.

Whatever you think of the Army, or of missionaries he was quitw clearly -an exceptionally brave man, sent to prison for given an illegal open air meeting in his youth, and I loved the description of Richard Carter preaching to Aylesham miners' as they came out of the Greyhound pub on a Friday night. He cared for his turf energetically, and in poverty for twenty years.

the memoir contains a vivid description of Aylsham in the early years: the roads unlaid, the lack of amenities etc.

Now added a scan of a long 1978 article about the miners' mission here


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