Monday, October 24, 2005

See Miners Sword Dance!

British pathe have a wonderful collection of old films, you can download previews for free. One public information short for farmers on'Speeding up agriculture' (1916) which involves a puzzling pythonesque finale with explosives, also an' elder' miners choir, miners performing a sword dance, ladies in bonnets learning to race tractors, a couple of films aiming to recruit miners post nationilsatio/. I particularly liked the one which ended: 'Join the miners, the skilled men the nation will always need' and a school for young miners, and they look way too young. It took me hours to drag myself away.

But the potato farming films would not download, which is a tragedy. my writing is cruelly hampered by my lack of knowlege of potato farming techniques in the twenties..

My fictional miners are becoming a bit too sarcastic about the cluelessness of my fictional family..

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