Thursday, October 06, 2005

An Underprivileged Duke

Surface landowners owned the rights to the coal beneath, and could also charge for the transportation of coal over their land.

From 'Britain in the nineteen twenties' Noreen Branson: "The miners put their hardships down to the system of mine ownership."

In 1919 the big landowners were told parliament was considering nationalizing mineral rights and the collieries themselves, and invited to give evidence to the Royal Commission.

The Duke of Northumberland, swearing that he would do his utmost to oppose nationalisation, replying to a question about infant mortality rates on his land :
(Infant mortality rates were highest among miners children, despite higher wages then agricultural workers, pit dust was often blamed)

"You think landowners have nothing to do but examine statistics. I am a hard-worked man. I am not a privileged man like you. "(his questioner was a Yorkshire miners' representative) "I cannot afford to waste time sitting on a commission like this."
(His gross income from mineral rights was 82,450 pounds in 1918) 1n august 1919 the government rejected the Final Report of the Royal Commission, which despite Northumberland's oratory came out in favour of Nationalizing mines, but accepted the proposal of state purchase of mineral rights. In fact state purchase was quietly dropped and big landowners were to enjoy mineral rights up to the closure of the mines and beyond.

It's said in Aylesham that the abandoned colliery has not been demolished because Lord FitzWalter would not allow it. He continues to draw mineral rights. Now there's a man with good lawyers.

Thus at the start of the 20's the miner's felt betrayed.

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