Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's that word for a place where fried fish is sold?

I have posted 'the Dissapointment of Aylesham' a Dover Express article quoting the archdeacon of Canterbury on Aylesham in 1929. It was published three weeks before Reggies death and the series of arrests and apparent stake- outs we have seen.

Be warned- Archdeacon's style is wordy- does he mean by ' a place where fried fish is sold' a chippy? Also is tiresomely keen to exonerate the colliery company from blame for building an amenity- less town, providing amenities would be 'unecononomic' he tells us (Does that mean anything - providing wages could be said to be uneconomic?)

Otherwise much that is interesting about the boredom and isolation and high prices in Aylesham in the twenties

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